Following the most recent announcement by the Prime Minister it has been announced that England will move from Plan 'B' mitigations to Plan 'A' effective from Thursday 27th January. This means that Covid Passes or proof of a negative Covid Test are not mandatory for spectators at large events and face coverings will not be mandated by law in indoor settings.

Following the most recent announcement by the Prime Minister it has been announced that England will move from Plan ‘B’ mitigations to Plan ‘A’ effective from Thursday 27th January. This means that Covid Passes or proof of a negative Covid Test are not mandatory for spectators at large events and face coverings will not be mandated by law in indoor settings.
Plan A mitigations, are primarily to do with vaccine and booster roll-out.
Therefore from Thursday 27th January please find the following guidance:
- NHS Covid-19 QR codes are available at all entrances and we would encourage people to check in using the NHS Covid-19 APP as they arrive.
- Whilst we would encourage the use of face-coverings whenever possible, Racegoers are not mandated to wear them in any area of the Racecourse, indoors or outdoors.
- Face-coverings are also no longer required to be worn by Owners/Trainers within the Pre-Parade, Parade Ring and Winners’ Enclosure.
- Social-distancing is not a requirement at this time, but we do request that you respect the personal space of others whenever possible.
- We encourage the use of good hand hygiene and request racegoers to make use of the sanitisation points around the Racecourse.
- We encourage everyone to consider taking a Lateral Flow Test prior to attending. Anyone who subsequently cannot attend due to receiving a postive Covid result will be provided with a full refund.
- Should a racegoer attending a meeting subsequently test positive for Covid-19, the venue will be issued with a recommendation notice to be tested. We will contact all who have pre-booked and place a notice on our website encouraging all to take a test as soon as possible.
Our full TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ENTRY are available here.